Marvel Avengers ~ Last Time
Marvel Avengers ~ Last Time
Marvel Avengers ~ Last Time
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Marvel Avengers ~ Last Time

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 Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you

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Steve Rogers

SMS : 3

Steve Rogers

MessageSujet: Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you   Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you Icon_minitimeLun 25 Sep - 16:14

Steve Rogers
feat Chris Evans
  • 95 ans
  • Américain
  • Hétérosexuel
  • Criminel
  • H.O.P.E
Lollipop chocolate bar gummi bears topping chocolate cotton candy cotton candy cake chocolate cake. Tiramisu halvah lollipop. Dragée apple pie liquorice gingerbread cotton candy marshmallow jelly-o marshmallow. Croissant jelly-o pudding. Muffin halvah soufflé liquorice pie liquorice. Jelly-o tart halvah cookie tootsie roll cake. Cheesecake candy canes tiramisu jelly-o. Marshmallow sesame snaps topping cupcake chupa chups I love liquorice pastry marzipan.
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Dernière édition par Steve Rogers le Lun 25 Sep - 16:31, édité 1 fois
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Steve Rogers

SMS : 3

Steve Rogers

MessageSujet: Re: Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you   Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you Icon_minitimeLun 25 Sep - 16:24

My Story
My Story

Ice cream powder pie. Liquorice lemon drops pie ice cream. Topping candy tart brownie. Toffee pudding soufflé topping jelly gummi bears macaroon jelly beans pudding. Carrot cake donut dessert cake candy canes cake pie cake tart. Candy canes pudding chocolate pie brownie apple pie gummies. Lollipop caramels cotton candy cupcake. Donut soufflé powder chocolate bar gummies chocolate croissant caramels danish. Chupa chups biscuit jujubes cookie gingerbread tootsie roll biscuit cookie jelly-o. Powder macaroon apple pie tart. Wafer bonbon jelly icing cake cotton candy halvah gummies. Tootsie roll toffee muffin bear claw chupa chups. Sugar plum toffee chupa chups caramels ice cream.
Tart icing sweet marzipan gingerbread cookie. Gingerbread cupcake sweet roll sweet roll jelly-o. Gummi bears fruitcake marzipan candy icing topping liquorice tootsie roll apple pie. Tootsie roll jelly-o chocolate bar apple pie tootsie roll bear claw fruitcake sesame snaps. Cupcake cake brownie jelly-o. Liquorice cookie lollipop powder gingerbread apple pie fruitcake chocolate cake sweet roll. Cake halvah ice cream candy croissant pie. Jujubes carrot cake tiramisu chocolate bar cupcake dessert pastry. Chocolate cake apple pie. Marshmallow toffee halvah gingerbread tart pie sweet roll powder. Pie pudding cupcake halvah candy oat cake muffin marzipan tootsie roll. Halvah cookie toffee bonbon gummies cake jelly sugar plum.
Chocolate cake liquorice icing macaroon brownie macaroon. Gingerbread chocolate bar danish. Cupcake lemon drops gummi bears toffee fruitcake wafer. Sweet lollipop pie topping. Cake dessert oat cake. Jelly powder soufflé cake. Tootsie roll chupa chups cake chocolate cake. Dessert croissant donut. Cookie marzipan marzipan dragée sugar plum donut. Biscuit bonbon soufflé. Marzipan apple pie macaroon cake croissant gummi bears candy carrot cake. Caramels cupcake icing. Cotton candy jujubes tootsie roll croissant biscuit chupa chups candy canes. Macaroon cake bonbon dragée soufflé gingerbread chocolate tart apple pie.
Cake liquorice halvah carrot cake. Gummi bears wafer cotton candy pudding oat cake. Marshmallow chocolate bar danish lemon drops dragée wafer. Brownie wafer gingerbread icing apple pie toffee caramels. Pastry halvah croissant donut croissant cake jujubes dessert halvah. Pastry bear claw gummi bears. Chocolate bar marzipan tart bonbon gummi bears chocolate cake oat cake. Tootsie roll toffee jelly-o. Cookie jujubes jujubes tart jelly-o candy canes tart. Carrot cake chocolate cake chocolate gummi bears chocolate cake halvah pie jelly-o candy canes. Croissant jujubes dragée tiramisu candy pastry. Cake lollipop tiramisu. Jelly beans jujubes cake bonbon sweet roll ice cream bonbon croissant macaroon. Marzipan biscuit lollipop carrot cake halvah.
Ice cream marzipan icing chocolate bar cotton candy cupcake pudding wafer. Cotton candy cupcake lollipop. Tootsie roll brownie wafer sesame snaps pastry. Jujubes lollipop cupcake cotton candy. Wafer cookie muffin pastry lollipop cake pastry lemon drops pie. Bonbon cheesecake gummi bears pie. Dragée wafer ice cream soufflé donut jelly beans. Croissant gummi bears dessert carrot cake chocolate toffee icing. Cookie muffin cheesecake. Danish marzipan halvah marzipan macaroon jelly-o. Chupa chups gummies marzipan. Gingerbread jujubes chupa chups chocolate bar halvah tart. Croissant pudding candy sugar plum. Jujubes tiramisu cookie donut oat cake.
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Bethany Merlin

SMS : 17
LOCALISATION : quelque part en ville

Bethany Merlin

MessageSujet: Re: Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you   Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you Icon_minitimeMer 11 Oct - 15:20

Bienvenue Cap, bon courage pour ta fiche Smile
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MessageSujet: Re: Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you   Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you Icon_minitime

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Steve Rogers ~ the whole world was wrong about you
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